How to make invisible datatable when there is no data?
Despite good suggestions I think there still needs (another) answer.
Using dataTables a <table> will never be empty - or :empty -...
Is there an infinity or wild card for use of BETWEEN ranges with MySQL?
i would suggest using this when lower == null then it will be replaced by 0 and when upper is null then...
Getting last 5 char of string with mysql query
You can do this with RIGHT(str,len) function. Returns the rightmost len characters from the string str,
Like below:
SELECT RIGHT(columnname,5) as...
Turning Cache Off Broke Admin Section (vendor/ on line 1753) line 1753Replacing$key = $key;to$key = isset($key) ? $key : null; is worked for me in PHP 7.4
Native camera plugin is crashing app – on iPhone 7, 6, 5 , iOS...
If you want to add it into the config.xml then code looks like this:
<edit-config target="NSCameraUsageDescription" file="*-Info.plist" mode="merge">
Remove all console.log before deploying nodejs app to production?
The best approach may be to wrap console.log in your app and only display "logs" if environment is "development".
MySQL v5.7.22 onwards you should be able to use JSON_ARRAYAGG to select grouped attributes as a json array. Something like:
Columns adjust issue when using Datatable inside an accordion
If you use the event, as the Bootstrap documentation says, it will trigger once the animation for the accordion is complete. So yes,...
Javascript array as a list of strings (preserving quotes)
The quotes aren't preserved because they're not actually part of the string value, they're just necessary to indicate string literals in your...
How to update environment variables based on a response in Postman
Sometimes, the response from a request is required first in order to continue with all the other API requests currently stored in your...