If we are going to do Facebook login auhentication in our IONIC app then developer.facebook.com give us API of basic information data in that their is also path of user profile picture but that give us very low resolution of file and also that file has small dimensions.
This will helps you a lot to achieving best resolution and custom dimensions too
http://graph.facebook.com/” + facebookId + “/picture?type=square For instance: http://graph.facebook.com/67563683055/picture?type=square
There are also more sizes besides “square”. See the docs.
You can use following urls to obtain different sizes of profile images. Please make sure to add Facebook id to url.
Large size photo https://graph.facebook.com/{facebookId}/picture?type=large
Medium size photo https://graph.facebook.com/{facebookId}/picture?type=normal
Small size photo https://graph.facebook.com/{facebookId}/picture?type=small
Square photo https://graph.facebook.com/{facebookId}/picture?type=square
To get largest size of the image
or anything else you need as size. Based on experience, type=large is not the largest result you can obtain.