The quotes aren’t preserved because they’re not actually part of the string value, they’re just necessary to indicate string literals in your code.
So, don’t use toString()
. Instead, one way to do it is as follows:
var arr = ['item1','item2','item3','item4'];
var quotedAndCommaSeparated = "'" + arr.join("','") + "'";
// quotedAndCommaSeparated === "'item1','item2','item3','item4'"
The Array.join() method returns a string that is all of the array elements concatenated into a single string with an (optional) separator between each item. So if you specify a separator that includes the quotation marks and commas you just have to manually append a starting and ending quote for the first and last item (respectively).
(And please tell me you’re not using client-side JavaScript to form your SQL.)
EDIT: to allow for an empty array, include a default value for the resulting string, otherwise (as pointed out by missingno) the string would be "''"
var newString = arr.length === 0 ? "" : "'" + arr.join("','") + "'";
// default for empty array here ---^^
(Might be more appropriate to have an if (arr.length===0)
to take some other action rather than running the SELECT statement.)
to wrap each element with quotes: { return "'" + item + "'" }).join(',');