Angular 2+ Material datepicker input type date format
<mat-form-field (click)="">
<input matInput [readonly]="true" placeholder="Search ..." [ngModel]="searchData.dateCreated | date:'d-MMM-y'" >
<input type="text" [hidden]='true' readonly="true"...
In Angular 2+ how do you detect that a filter/pipes returned no results
Hope you first follow this link Create filter search using custom Pipe. Then if now you want to show that search results...
Angular 2+ Custom Validator Directive for Whitespace and Empty Strings
Custom Validator Function for Whitespace
The tricky part here is returning a ValidatorFn function that returns null on valid state and a {key: value} on...
PhpMyAdmin “Wrong permissions on configuration file, should not be world writable!”
try this it will work
sudo chmod 755 /opt/lampp/phpmyadmin/
Install Laravel Project using Composer
Installing Composer
Composer is a dependency manager for PHP and we will be using it to download the Laravel...
Angular 2+ Filter Search Custom Pipe
I was struggling with Angular search with the use of Custome pipe. So I helped and here below is a code that...
Disable auto focus in dialog- modal in Angular 2+ material
Since @angular/material@5.0.0-rc.1 there is special option autoFocus on MatDialogConfig
/** Whether the dialog should focus the first focusable element on open. */
autoFocus?: boolean =...
Angular Material Dialog return value
If anybody is interested I found a solution (not sure if it is the best one). Just disabling the default close operation...
Could not find plugin “proposal-numeric-separator” in angular app
Adding the dependency @babel/compat-data": "7.8.0" fixed the issue for me.
In package.json file add this CODE
How To Convert string to number in Angular/Typescript
To convert string to number in angular or typescript follow the below steps.
Check if a string is...