How to disable Escape Key for Bootstrap Modals?

f your modal dialog looks like this <div id="myModal" class="modal hide fade" tabindex="-1" ...> .... </div>

Disable click outside of bootstrap modal area to close modal

There are two ways to disable click outside of bootstrap model area to close modal- using javascript$('#myModal').modal({ ...

AWS – Disconnected : No supported authentication methods available (server sent :publickey)

I had the same problem, by accident mistake. I'll share it here, in case someone may have made the same mistake.


NodeJS return time in UTC. (0.00) as I understand there are two ways to store/set default timezone for NodeJS.First set in code...

Node.js upload to Amazon S3 works but file corrupt upload

I do believe you need to pass a stream instead of the file path, you can use fs.createReadStream like this:

Remove file in node.js :: node.js remove file

I think you want to use fs.unlink. More info on fs can be found here. fs.unlink('fileToBeRemoved', function(err) { ...

How to Open the WooCommerce Terms and Conditions Link in a New Tab

WooCommerce displays the terms and conditions acceptance checkbox on the payment form of the checkout page. The checkbox field is a...

Datetime formatting / customization in ejs

For a better code management, you can add the code(below) in app.js/server.js. This will save moment in the res.locals.moment at the time of starting the app....

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED :: IONIC

After a few days of struggle, this works for me, and I hope this also works for you. add this to your...

Add Terms and Conditions WooCommerce

If you run an online store, a terms and conditions document is very important.  The terms and condition document is a set...