Id: library not found for -lAeroGear-Push clang: error Xcode

I ran into the same trouble, it was just the pod dependencies that were not installed : Make...

Renaming an uploaded file using Multer doesn’t work (Express.js)

we give a random name to file with the help of date and appends the original file extension with help of file.mimetype

Get Address from lat/lng :: NodeJs

npm i node-geocoder Reference Link :-

How to move git repository with all branches from bitbucket to github?

It's very simple. Create a new empty repository in GitHub (without readme or license, you can add them...

Cannot find module ‘at-least-node’

Pretty sure the magic that fixed it for me: delete /node_modules, /platforms, /plugins, /package-lock.jsonre-run troubled command(s)

Disable http method in express js

The comment is essentially saying that you can add this to any of your routes and you're checking the incoming method from...

(nodeJS) Content-Type for S3 object: manually set to ‘image/jpeg’ but in S3 console comes...

Don't set it in the Metadata section, that's only for properties that will be prefixed with x-amz-meta. There is a ContentType parameter at the main level, like...

What is the best way to automatically select free shipping for WooCommerce?

In the woocommerce settings, try to put free shipping at the first place.  Reference - Image


Let's look at some MySQL TIME_FORMAT function examples and explore how to use the TIME_FORMAT function in MySQL. For...

How can I add class for in DataTables?

Using createdRow option is the correct way to do it. For example: $('#example').DataTable({ 'createdRow': function( row, data,...