Calling a function in app.component.ts from another component

Someone in the Ionic Slack technical-questions channel last night asked how you call functions in app.component.ts from another Page.  I was happy...

How do you disable browser Autocomplete on web form field / input tag?

According to the Mozilla Developer Network documentation, the Boolean form element attribute autocomplete prevents form data from being cached in older browsers. <input...

What’s the difference between a tilde (~) and a caret (^) in a npm...

If you use npm to manage packages in your JavaScript application, you’re probably familiar with the package.json file. { ...

Limit the length of a string using angular 2+/ionic 2+

In angular 2+ it will look like: @Directive({ selector: '', host: { '(keypress)': '_onKeypress($event)', ...

How to sync from local database to server database using Codeigniter

inside your config file define your local database and server database. like this.i hope it will help you. //database.php

Image Dimension validation in angular 6

window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL; onFileChange(event) { let reader = new FileReader(); if ( &&...

How to get only path from full url string

You can use the activated route component's snapshot to get this url. import { Router, ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router'; ...

How can I find and run the keytool

Just set PATH under environment variables and include /bin at the end cd C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_09bin keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "C:UsersuserName.androiddebug.keystore" -list -v

NGX issue in IONIC 3/4 Object(…) is not a function @ionic-native/file

xxx = any native componentfix the issues, with:npm i -s @ionic-native/xxx@5.0.0-beta.14 NOTE: if you are using ANGULAR 6 in...

Exporting an Excel file in Angular

Today I will show you the way to export a xlsx file from angular6. File-saver module will help to...