Base64 to Image Convert :: PHP CI

When we are trying to save our base64 code in Database then it takes some space and if we have to replace...

Ionic 2+ input field does not move to next field automatically

You can use the following approach, there could be better approaches i'm just sharing what i know. What i...

Angular 2+ Get Current Financial Year/Fiscal Year

     Here is the code how you get current financial year :- var date...

Angular 2+ Bottom to Top Scroll with or without behavior

Try into html <div #list ="list.scrollHeight"></div> In Component define id into html id="scrollId" const...

Send Data from one component to another with using Navigation Control

npm i ngx-navigation-with-data Angular navigation with data This package is for navigate with...

Auto Refresh with Manual Override : IONIC 3+

Let's create an Ionic 2 page that auto-refreshes at regular intervals (e.g. 5 seconds) with a twist: there's also a button for...

setInterval in IONIC 3 or Ionic 4 :: typeScript

There are Basically two methods to perform that. Try using observable which will suit best your requirement.

How to a call function after dismiss the Modal in Ionic 4

As per official document : const modal = await modalController.create({...}); const { data } = await modal.onDidDismiss(); console.log(data);

Get Facebook user profile picture by ID

If we are going to do Facebook login auhentication in our IONIC app then give us API of basic information data...

failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

I think preg_replace make more better sense as it will work with latest versions of the PHP as ereg_replace didn't worked for...