Lottie Screen Ionic 2+ Documentation :: BackGround Color and ScaleFit


npm i cordova-plugin-lottie-splashscreen


Cordova plugin to show bodymovin/Lottie animations as the splash screen with Airbnb’s Lottie wrapper

Supported platforms

  • iOS (10+) (with cordova-ios >= 5.0.0 only)
  • Android (with cordova-android >= 8.0.0 only)

Planned platforms

  • macOS (currently on hold until cordova-osx has a better Swift and CocoaPods support)



You need to have CocoaPods installed because lottie-ios is fetched from there.

$ sudo gem install cocoapods$ pod setup

Only cordova >= 9.0.0 and cordova-ios >= 5.0.0 are supported.
You need to specify a valid SwiftVersion (minimum is 4.2) in your config.xml (see https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/latest/config_ref/)


AndroidX support is required for lottie-android >= 2.8.0.
In order to use version >= v0.7.0 you need to configure AndroidX support.
In case you do not manually build the project and edit the files in Android Studio, these two plugins might be required: https://github.com/dpa99c/cordova-plugin-androidx and https://github.com/dpa99c/cordova-plugin-androidx-adapter.
In the FAQ are some examples with common error messages and how to fix them.


from npm (recommended)

$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-lottie-splashscreen

from git (unstable)

$ cordova plugin add https://github.com/timbru31/cordova-plugin-cordova-plugin-lottie-splashscreen.git


This Cordova plugin is meant as a replacement for the stock cordova-plugin-splashscreen.
An example project can be found in the example folder.


  • lottie.splashscreen.hide
  • lottie.splashscreen.show
  • lottie.splashscreen.on
  • lottie.splashscreen.once

This methods hides the current active Lottie splashscreen and destroys the views. Returns a Promise which is resolved with “OK” in the success case or the error message when it’s failed.

await lottie.splashscreen.hide();

This method shows a Lottie splash screen. If no arguments are given, it defaults to the config.xml values, however you can pass (new) options here to change the behavior on runtime. Returns a Promise which is resolved with “OK” in the success case or the error message when it’s failed. (For easier reading the TypeScript notation is used)

await lottie.splashscreen.show(location?: string, remote?: boolean, width?: number, height?: number)

This method listens to custom lottie events that are dispatched from the native side and invokes a configured callback function. If the event parameter is a falsy value, such as null or "", the method will listen to all Lottie events. (For easier reading the TypeScript notation is used)

type LottieEvent = 'lottieAnimationStart' | 'lottieAnimationEnd' | 'lottieAnimationCancel' | 'lottieAnimationRepeat'; lottie.splashscreen.on(event: LottieEvent, callback: (ev: Event) => void);

This method listens to a custom lottie event once and resolves the Promise once the event has been called. (For easier reading the TypeScript notation is used)

type LottieEvent = 'lottieAnimationStart' | 'lottieAnimationEnd' | 'lottieAnimationCancel' | 'lottieAnimationRepeat'; await lottie.splashscreen.once(event: LottieEvent).then(event => console.log(event));


  • LottieRemoteEnabled (Boolean, default false). Toggles Lottie’s remote mode which allows files to be downloaded/displayed from URLs. Example:
    <preference name="LottieRemoteEnabled" value="true" />
  • LottieAnimationLocation (String, default ""). Location of the Lottie JSON file that should be loaded. Can either be a URL (if LottieRemoteEnabled is true) or a local JSON or ZIP file (e.g. www/lottie/error.json).
    <preference name="LottieAnimationLocation" value="https://assets.lottiefiles.com/datafiles/99nA1a7mkSF3Oz8/data.json" />
  • LottieImagesLocation (String, default path of LottieAnimationLocation). Android only! Location of the Lottie images folder specified by the JSON.
    <preference name="LottieImagesLocation" value="www/lottie/images" />
  • LottieCancelOnTap (Boolean, default false). Immediately cancels the Lottie animation when the user taps on the screen.
    <preference name="LottieCancelOnTap" value="true" />
  • LottieHideTimeout (Double for iOS and Integer for Android, default 0). Duration after which the Lottie animation should be hidden. CAUTION: iOS reads this value in SECONDS, but e.g., 0.5 is supported. Android reads this value in MILLISECONDS!
    <preference name="LottieHideTimeout" value="?" /> <!-- CAUTION: iOS reads this value in **SECONDS**, Android reads this value in **MILLISECONDS**>
  • LottieBackgroundColor (String, default #ffffff). Background color of the overlay. Can be used with alpha values, too. (For more information see the 8 digits notation of RGB notation)
    <preference name="LottieBackgroundColor" value="#fff000a3" />
  • LottieWidth (Integer, default 200). Width of the container that’s rendering the Lottie animation
    <preference name="LottieWidth" value="750" />
  • LottieHeight (Integer, default 200). Height of the container that’s rendering the Lottie animation
    <preference name="LottieHeight" value="750" />
  • LottieRelativeSize (Boolean, default false). Uses width and height values as relative values. Specify them as e.g. 0.3 to have 30%.
    <preference name="LottieRelativeSize" value="true" />
  • LottieFullScreen (Boolean, default false). Renders the animation in full screen. Ignores properties above.
    <preference name="LottieFullScreen" value="true" />
  • LottieLoopAnimation (Boolean, default false). Loops the animation
    <preference name="LottieLoopAnimation" value="true" />
  • LottieAutoHideSplashScreen (Boolean, default false). Hides the Lottie splash screen when the pageDidLoad event fired
    <preference name="LottieAutoHideSplashScreen" value="true" />
  • LottieEnableHardwareAcceleration (Boolean, default false). Android only! Enables hardware acceleration for the animation view. Not really recommended since Lottie decides automatically whether the hardware mode should be used or not.
    <preference name="LottieEnableHardwareAcceleration" value="true" />
    <preference name="LottieScaleType" value="CENTER_CROP" />
  • LottieFadeOutDuration (Double for iOS and Integer for Android, default 0). Duration for the fade out animation. CAUTION: iOS reads this value in SECONDS, but e.g., 0.5 is supported. Android reads this value in MILLISECONDS! the Set to 0 disable the fade out animation.
    <preference name="LottieFadeOutDuration" value="?" /> <!-- CAUTION: iOS reads this value in **SECONDS**, Android reads this value in **MILLISECONDS**>
  • LottieHideAfterAnimationEnd (Boolean, default false). Hides the Lottie splash screen after the animation has been played. Do not use together with LottieAutoHideSplashScreen or LottieLoopAnimation
    <preference name="LottieHideAfterAnimationEnd" value="true" />
  • LottieCacheDisabled (Boolean, default false). Disables caching of animations.
    <preference name="LottieCacheDisabled" value="true" />


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