Directive to Allow Decimal Numbers With a Single Decimal Point (.) Using AngularJS
<input type="text" name="AntiPer" class="form-control" allow-decimal-numbers />
How to allow only a number (digits) to be typed in an input?
DEMO - - jsFiddle
.directive('onlyNum', function() {
return function(scope,...
Skip decimal points on y-axis in chartJS :: Angular 2+
by the latest version this option changed to
scales: {
yAxes: ,
ng-2 Charts: get bar chart axis to start at 0 :: Angular 2+
set the y axes to begin at zero
public chartOption = {
responsive: true,
chart js 2 how to set bar width :: Angular 2+
In case if you are using ng2-chart in an angular project then the bar chart configuration looks Alike this:
AngularJS ng-src condition if Not Found (via url)
Angular directive ngSrc doesn't have any native features for processing of 404 response.
But it would be fixed with the following onErrorSrc directive.
How to Install XAMPP on your Ubuntu 18.04 System
XAMPP stands for cross-platform(X), Apache(A) server, MariaDB(M), PHP(P) and Perl(P). It is built by Apache Friends and basically serves as a local...
How to get the Label name of the chart using angular
Try this code:
.ts file
public barChartOptions = {
legend: {
Embed YouTube Videos with ngRepeat AngularJS
JS Controller Code
var app = angular.module("app", []);
app.controller("controller", function ($scope) {
$scope.videos = [
"url": "",
Learn git concepts, not commands
The general drawing contains 4 areas distributed as follows: